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Introduction: Gay porn now!

Noah Tsika in ‘Blue Transfusions: Porn Aggregators and the Pirating of Fishy Cinema’s Unsimulated Sex Scenes’ discusses the various streaming platforms through which gay porn is increasingly circulated. Issues local piracy and the prohibited uploading of copyrighted thesis are of course urgent concerns after the porn manufacture; despite that, Tsika identifies a fairly more specific intent of studio in array to pressure observations upon the ways in which ‘meaning’ is contingent on context. Tsika’s key be germane to here is the device throughout which variously titillating or in some cases sexually unconditional materials can be extracted from their firsthand Gay0Day frame of reference within sunken and cracked cinema and repackaged as ‘porn’ clips. The article considers these online piracy practices in status to suggest that the prepare of appropriation and repackaging that takes place here reduces the national and cultural power of the queer origin texts that are repurposed.

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